Photo: Red Hibiscus

Photo: Red Hibiscus

A red Hibiscus in someone’s yard I found while going for a walk in October 2010.

Canon Rebel XTi, EF 50mm 1:1.4, 1/125, F5.6, 125mm, ISO100, 2010-10-05T18:05:50-04, 20101005-220550rxt

Location: Ormond Beach, FL  32174

Download the high-res JPEG or download the source image.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Please credit me as “Photo by Richard Thripp” or something similar.

PHP echo quotes

Whenever I write PHP code, I always use single quotes to echo text, escaping apostrophes and necessary single quote marks with backslashes. Since “double quotes” are much more common in English than ‘single quotes,’ this requires less escaping, and the PHP parser parses single quotes slightly faster because it does not check the string for variables. For example,<?php $test = 100; echo ‘$test’; ?> will return “$test” whereas <?php $test = 100; echo “$test”; ?> will return “100”. Expanding on this, to include variables in single quote echo s, print s, printf s, die s, etc., they must be concatenated like so: <?php echo ‘Today is ‘ . $date . ‘ and the weather is ‘ . $current_weather . ‘!’; ?>. As you can see, I included spaces around the single quotes around the concatenation because those are the English spaces on the left and right sides. This is not necessarily the best way to write statements, but it’s the way I prefer and it’s best to stick with one style of programming (house style) and use it consistently. The same statement could be written as <?php echo “Today is $date and the weather is $current_weather!”; ?>, but that could get confusing later due to the way the human mind works.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to construct conditions based on idiosyncrasies in the English language, i.e. plural forms like <?php if($dog_count == 1) $word = ‘dog’; else $word = ‘dogs’; ?> or suffixes like <?php if(substr($num, -1) == ‘1’) $suffix = ‘st’; elseif(substr($num, -1) == ‘2’) $suffix = ‘nd’; elseif(substr($num, -1) == ‘3’) $suffix = ‘rd’; else $suffix = ‘th’; ?>. These are best handled with reusable functions.

Human Nature

Human nature is to be able to oscillate between polarities without changing states. Men naturally suppress this and women naturally embrace this, which is why women tend to engage in backwards post-rationalization and most men choose not to understand why.

One of the reasons why you see more acronyms, initalisms, innuendos, and euphemisms now is because our controllers, be them space aliens, the Pentagon, the European Union, Queen Elizabeth II, or Pope Benedict XVI, want to polarize the people between clean and dirty minded, kill the clean minded people, and foster the dirty minded people. This is either a Really Bad thing or a Really Good thing, depending on your current State of Polarity.

Most people adopt a neutral state of polarity that is either positive or negative, but never neutral. I choose a neutrally negative state of polarity (like an electron instead of a proton), so I see the New World Order as being a very bad thing.

Throughout your life, you have the free will to choose whoever and whatever you want to be. Because of advanced technologies, new and unprecedented freedoms are emerging for humanity. For example, you now have the freedom as a man to have sex freely (contraception + social acceptance), marry other men (Massachusetts), dress up like a woman (Ed Wood as Johnny Depp), or even become a woman, and if you do not have the money to afford sex change surgery, you can choose to increase your income or petition the State. As a woman, you have even more freedom, because you can choose to either be soft or rugged, i.e. a princess or a tomboy.

At the same time as these new freedoms emerge for humanity, new and unprecedented responsibilities emerge, legitimizing the philosophical argument that humans do not have free will, but instead, we have a collective, singular will. This would be the best State to present ourselves to space aliens with, but because there is a backlash against this, nationalist movements are emerging, which you see now in Egypt and the Middle East. In fact, according to Alex Jones, gas is going to go up to $4-$5 a gallon by the end of this year and we are going to see the collapse of the U.S. federal government unless a significant change in course is immediately procured. The 1990s brought us the Internet, which kept the U.S. afloat throughout the 2000s, despite the significant real estate bubble, but it’s possible another, more advanced bubble is about to form in the 2010s, thanks to companies like Google, Facebook, and to a lesser extent, Microsoft, Raytheon, and Lockheed-Martin. We will definitely be seeing a roller coaster ride in the price of precious metals including, but not limited to, gold, silver, platinum, palladium, nickel, copper, and zinc (editor’s note: in reality, all metals are infinitely precious compared to greenbacks).

All great freedoms are actually both great freedoms and great responsibilities simultaneously, because with freedom comes power and with power comes responsibility. A person incarcerated for life in a supermax prison has either the minimum or the maximum freedom depending on his oscillating state of mind, because he can choose to be a slave or he can attempt escape, which would be next to impossible. This is why in the Mission: Impossible television series the viewer is told to believe in the impossible, by believing that the good guys will win despite the title of the TV show indicating that their mission is impossible. In reality, their mission is squarely possible, but it is necessary for them to adopt the state of mind that it is impossible in order to accomplish the task.

One example of a great freedom that also has great responsibilities is tattooing. In Central Florida, tattoos are an integral part of redneck culture, because you have the freedom to instruct your tattoo artist to tattoo anything on your body, but once it’s there, it’s very difficult if not impossible to remove. In all matters of great important or suspicious unimportance, great caution or no caution must be used. The body is the Temple of the Lord.

Photo: Chairs and Tables

Photo: Chairs and Tables

Chairs and tables outside of the cafeteria at Daytona State College, over winter break when contractors were re-tiling the floor.

Canon Rebel XTi, EF 50mm 1:1.4, 1/100, F4.5, 50mm, ISO800, 2011-01-06T16:53:55-05, 20110106-215355rxt

Location: Daytona State College, 1200 W. International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL  32114

Download the high-res JPEG or download the source image.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Please credit me as “Photo by Richard Thripp” or something similar.

Photo: Building 500

Photo: Building 500

Building 500 at Daytona State College, as seen from the balconies on building 100.

Canon Rebel XTi, EF 50mm 1:1.4, 1/200, F2.8, 50mm, ISO400, 2011-01-05T17:02:08-05, 20110105-220208rxt

Location: Daytona State College, Building 100, Wetherell Student Services and Administration, Floor 4, 1200 W. International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL  32114

Download the high-res JPEG or download the source image.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Please credit me as “Photo by Richard Thripp” or something similar.

Photo: Laser Power

Photo: Laser Power

In the future, your electrical outlets will all look like this and everyone will be afraid to use them… just kidding.

Canon Rebel XTi, EF 50mm 1:1.4, 5/1, F20.0, 50mm, ISO100, 2011-01-05T18:16:26-05, 20110105-231626rxt

Location: Daytona State College, Building 100, Wetherell Student Services and Administration, Floor 1, 1200 W. International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL  32114

Download the high-res JPEG or download the source image.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Please credit me as “Photo by Richard Thripp” or something similar.

Photo: No Diving

Photo: No Diving

No swimming/diving… sign by the Halifax River in Ormond Beach. I don’t know why I found this interesting, but it might be the dark blue-green water in the background.

Note that I am starting to tag many posts and photos with “none,” because I’m getting tired of coming up with tags… it’s inconvenient and boring. If you want to search my site, just go to Google and type in before your query.

Canon Rebel XTi, EF 50mm 1:1.4, 1/1600, F3.2, 50mm, ISO100, 2011-01-11T15:28:07-05, 20110111-202807rxt

Location: Cassen Park, 1 S. Beach St., Ormond Beach, FL  32174-6378

Download the high-res JPEG or download the source image.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Please credit me as “Photo by Richard Thripp” or something similar.

Photo: Publix Teas

Photo: Publix Teas

Various flavors of teas at Publix in the deli. They have good subs, but buying tea in small bottles is a very bad value because you can get a whole gallon for under $3 and disperse it into your own containers at home, and then carry it with you. ;)

Canon Rebel XTi, EF 50mm 1:1.4, 1/125, F2.8, 50mm, ISO400, 2011-01-12T15:22:01-05, 20110112-202201rxt

Location: Publix, The Trails Shopping Center, 220 N. Nova Rd., Ormond Beach, FL  32174-5124

Download the high-res JPEG or download the source image.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Please credit me as “Photo by Richard Thripp” or something similar.

Photo: Fish Sandwich with Fries

Photo: Fish Sandwich with Fries

This was a delicious fish sandwich with french fries and extra tarter sauce. :)

Canon Rebel XTi, EF 50mm 1:1.4, 1/125, F3.5, 50mm, ISO1600, 2011-01-14T19:19:30-05, 20110115-001930rxt

Location: Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, The Pavilion at Port Orange, 5501 S. Williamson Blvd., Port Orange, FL  32128-7370

Download the high-res JPEG or download the source image.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Please credit me as “Photo by Richard Thripp” or something similar.

The Psychology of Education

Firstly, people do not want to learn. They want to be given things (privilege). Therefore, they naturally assume you’re giving them bad information and want to do the opposite because they believe they can “handle” the “danger.” So if you tell kids not to smoke, they’ll smoke. You tell them not to do drugs, and they do drugs. You tell them sex is positive, and they have shame about it.

Secondly, people respect authority and are bound to emotion. If you don’t activate your students’ right brains, or you focus on their right brains without focusing on their left brains, they will instantly forget what you teach (it will go in one ear and out the other). Additionally, you should put “Dr.” before your name even if you have only a PhD but not an MD, because people will naturally assume you’re a more valuable person and therefore what you tell them is more important than someone who has “Mr.” instead of “Dr.” before his name.

Thirdly, people learn best in chunks, not blocks. Instead of having 5 separate 1-hour classes, it would be better to have 25 separate 12-minute classes in alternating classrooms with a change of rooms each time. That way, boys can sit next to the girls they like, there’s no need for physical education because it’s integrated into the changing of classrooms, and students will be much more likely to remember the gist of the curriculum.