I added comment threading, similar to deviantART. deviantART lets comments nest infinitely and after each ten levels, you must click a link to view the deeper levels. Mine stops at four levels though, so the page indent doesn’t become too great. But at the fourth level, you can continue posting replies like normal (they’ll just stay on the same level), and it will still be easy to keep track of the conversation, as other commenters will be on different threads. Try it out on this entry. Click “Comments” in the bottom-right, and then on my comment, click *REPLY TO THIS*.
I don’t know how to get comment previewing to work with the plugin, so it’s gone for now. 2008-01-10 Update: It’s back!
Also, each entry has a printable version, which you can view by clicking “Printable Version” at the bottom. Above this, there is a ShareThis button, so you can share my articles with friends and strangers alike, by email or through Facebook, digg, del.icio.us, et cetera. Finally, there is a dynamically generated list of three similar entries at the end of each entry, and a “random page” link in the sidebar. Both of these features will become useful as I add content.
Cool Info, practical.. lol,
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Good Thank you It
Thanks for your insights
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Thanks for your insights
beautiful site..)),
Very interesting!I
nice job, very thanks
vR1J5R Great work
5kqMJx bugagaga348934850934859038.txt:10:20
Hello! This is a comment.
Directly above, it says “richardxthripp at 2007-12-27T18:12:50Z *REPLY TO THIS*”. Click “*REPLY TO THIS* to post a threaded reply.
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