Disclaimer added 2014-10-03: I have not updated Tweet This since 2011-07-05 and lost interest in maintaining it. It has outstanding bugs and probably doesn’t even work work properly anymore due to changes to the Twitter API.
Download Tweet This 1.8.3 [0.8MB .zip]
Popular Twitter plugin inserts “Tweet This” links so your readers can share posts with one click. Can automatically tweet new posts via OAuth. Allows you to publish and schedule tweets from a new “Write Tweet” page. Supports 10 URL shorteners including Bit.ly, Su.pr, and TinyURL. Includes options for 20 social networks including Facebook, Bebo, and MySpace. Includes the Wickett Twitter Widget for your sidebar and many other options.
1.8.3: 2011-07-05: Small update to fix compatibility with WordPress 3.2.
Upgrading from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3
1. Upload the new /tweet-this/ folder over the old folder in your plugins folder.
2. Tweet This 1.8.3 is installed.
General Information
Tweeting a post on Twitter takes up a lot of space, because URLs quickly eat up your 140 characters. While your readers might copy the permalink, go to Bit.ly or TinyURL, shorten and copy the new URL, go to Twitter, and paste it into the status box, this plugin merges all that into one step.
This plugin makes short URLs like http:/example.com/?p=1234, then displays a link to Twitter for each post, with an optional icon (20 choices). This is done automatically for each post as needed. You can choose a URL shortener including Adjix.com, B2l.me, Bit.ly, Is.gd, Metamark.net, SnipURL.com, Su.pr, TinyURL.com, and Tweetburner.com. Each shortened URL is cached as a custom field in the postmeta table to keep load times fast. The cached records are updated or deleted as needed when you edit a post’s permalink, delete a post, change your site’s permalink structure, or change URL services. In WP 3.0 or later, Tweet This hooks the short URLs into the get_shortlink filter.
This plugin can also tweet new blog posts automatically, if you provide your Twitter credentials in the options. Then a “Send to Twitter” checkbox appears when writing a new post, along with a text box so you can change the tweet text for that specific blog post. As of 1.7, OAuth is used.
Unlike Tweetmeme, ShareThis, and other Twitter plugins, Tweet This inserts links without JavaScript, iFrames, or third-party dependencies. An example: http://twitter.com/home/?status=Example+Post+http://example.com/?p=1234
Copyright 2008 – 2011 Richard X. Thripp (email: richardxthripp@thripp.com)
Released under Version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, or, at your option, any later version.
Tweet This Version History
Tweet This Blogs
Tweet This Icons
Tweet This Wiki on Thripp.org
Tweet This on WordPress.org
Tweet This Installation
Before you begin, please make sure your server has PHP 5 and Curl enabled. While you can use Tweet This on PHP 4, all OAuth functions require PHP 5. Tweet This requires WordPress 1.5 minimum, with the following exceptions:
1. Importing exported options requires WP 2.0.
2. Automatic tweeting requires WP 2.7.
3. The Twitter Updates widget requires WP 2.8.
4. Adding short URLs to the get_shortlink filter requires WP 3.0.
5. Moving the Tweet This box around the Write Post page requires WP 3.0.
If you are installing Tweet This for the first time, follow these steps:
1. Upload the `tweet-this` folder to `/wp-content/plugins/`.
2. If you’re using WordPress MU and want this plugin active for all blogs, move `tweet-this.php` to `/wp-content/mu-plugins/` at this point.
3. Else, activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
4. Tweet This icons should automatically appear on every post and page! Go to Settings > Tweet This to change settings and set up auto-tweets.
5. Optionally, delete readme.txt and the screenshots folder to save space.
Tweet This Donations
If you like Tweet This, consider donating $5.00, $10.00, or a larger amount via PayPal. As of Feb. 22, 2010, I have received $94 in donations since the initial release of Tweet This in Sept. 2008.
2011-02-22: $25.00 from Canopus Research Inc.
2011-02-17: $10.00 from Berend de Meyer.
2011-01-20: $5.00 from Nigel Boulton.
2010-10-27: $2.00 from JJ Soule.
2010-10-24: $10.00 from Linda C.
2010-10-20: $10.00 from Gareth Davies
2010-10-08: $1.00 from Tache Madalin
2010-10-01: $5.00 from Marcos Ramos
2010-09-20: $10.00 from Linda Worthington
2010-09-18: $1.00 from James Magary
2010-09-15: $10.00 from Miter Saw Reviews
2010-09-15: $5.00 from Kinoshita Communications LLC
Tweet This Screenshots
1. Tweet This options page: all sections closed.
2. Tweet This options page: all sections opened.
3. The Write Tweet page, having just published a tweet.
4. A post with Tweet This links; Twitter Web API and Share API.
5. Publishing a tweet alongside a new post.
6. The Twitter Updates widget included with Tweet This.
Hi There,
Plugin stopped working and now Im getting this Error: Twitter did not respond. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page….. any ideas how to fix it?
Is there any easy way to repeat a tweet after a set time but with slightly different text? E.g. New post at 10am “New Post: xyz”. Then 6 hours later it tweets it again as “If you missed it: xyz” ?
I’m guessing I may need a cronjob to run a script but is there an easy way to run the tweet this script that way?
OAuth settings are correct I created a news dev app and added all the correct tokens in the correct fields, test the OAuth and get “authentication succeeded”, try to post to twitter via the “tweet this” page and I get a http 404, try to post a post and tweet it and the widget has a 404 status too!! Access is on read & write.
Any ideas of what could be the problem??
Looks like my answer is below
Having similar problem as Cinzia on a blog where this plugin has worked for a couple of years at least. It suddenly stopped posting to Twitter. Using the test OAuth button in settings reports success, but the posts don’t tweet and if I try to manually tweet I get a 404 error.
I generated new auth keys and replaced them with no success. I revoked the app access in Twitter and created a completely new app with another round of new auth keys with no change.
Anyone have any ideas?
For those of you getting 404 errors it’s probably due to the 1.0 API being deprecated now that 1.1 is out and the endpoint changing. I edited my tweet-this.php file and just changed the endpoint.
Look for this variable TT_API_POST_STATUS and replace the url (http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json) with the 1.1 url (http://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json). This worked great for me.
My updates just started failing this week. Now that I’ve made the change and updated my server, though, it’s working as before.
Tweet published: 260500530940493824. Date: 2012-10-22 21:59:02
Thanks – that works great1
This mod works!!!!! Well done Kudzu
This mod needs to be included in upgrade pdq.
I saw the message below mine and tried recreating the whole thing. I have a new customer key, secret key, access token, and access token secret. I’ve saved all the new settings. I deleted the old one. Tried to resave my post and it still isn’t tweeted .
New blog posts are not being tweeted. I get the following in the Tweet This block on the New Post page:
“Tweet failed. Twitter returned HTTP 404. Check your OAuth settings and re-save this post to try again.”
I have checked my OAuth settings and they are authorized.
To fix the error:
Tweet failed. Twitter returned HTTP 401. Check your OAuth settings and re-save this post to try again.
You need to recreate your Twitter Access Token and Twitter Access Token Secret after you switch the Application Type to Read and Write. If you go under the Details tab after switching your app from Read Only to Read and Write and it still says Read Only, then you need to Recreate your access token and enter the new info into the Tweet This settings in WordPress. Then Test OAuth and save your plugin settings. Automatic tweeting from blog posts should work now.
Hope this helps somebody.
I just updated to WP 3.3.2 & Tweet this plugin gets these errors:
1.On network plugin activation-
The plugin generated 193 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin
2.Homepage output:
Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn’t find constant TT_TH8US_LEN in /home/xxx/richard-dickinson.com/wp-content/plugins/tweet-this/tweet-this.php on line 1821
Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn’t find constant TT_TH8US_LEN in /home/xxx/richard-dickinson.com/wp-content/plugins/tweet-this/tweet-this.php on line 1821
Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn’t find constant TT_TH8US_LEN in /home/xxx/richard-dickinson.com/wp-content/plugins/tweet-this/tweet-this.php on line 1821
Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn’t find constant TT_TH8US_LEN in /home/xxx/richard-dickinson.com/wp-content/plugins/tweet-this/tweet-this.php on line 1821
Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn’t find constant TT_TH8US_LEN in /home/xxx/ric
I have disabled plugin….
Plugin reports error when I go to post editing page:
” Tweet failed. Twitter returned HTTP 401. Check your OAuth settings and re-save this post to try again.”
My OAuth settings are checked on plugins page via option “Test Twitter OAuth” and returned back ” Success….”
I clicked on link “Visit plugin site” but was brought to wp.org plugins page saying:
“Oooops … we couldn’t find that plugin…”
I really like this plugin, didn’t do much but using it on just one blog a year ago (and that blog I sold )
I would appreciate very much if you can point out why this error and help me to get the plugin to work.
Thank you in advance for your time,
Dear Richard,
As much as I like the features of your plugin, I am having one major issue with the automated posts to twitter:
My site is syndicated. It has over 25 sources.
Now, here is the thing: I had set the features to: “[TITLE] – [author] [URL] #storytelling but it kept mixing up the authors (i.e. posting titles with user names that were not the post authors). I decided to switch to “[TITLE] [URL] #storytelling” until I could fix it, but it still posts the (wrong) authors to twitter.
Do you have any idea how this could happen and how to fix it?
Thank you so much for your help,
Tweet failed. Twitter returned HTTP 401. Check your OAuth settings and re-save this post to try again.
My OAuth checks out fine but I keep getting this error message.
Pingback: 99 Essential Twitter Tools And Applications « Small posts may become Big Ideas!
Great plugin I had some problems with new theme but nothing I couldn’t resolve by myself.
When I try to post a new entry on my blog, I get “Error 401….check OAth settings etc…”.
I am using “Tweet this” on one blog and want to use on another because it works so well, but I can no longer locate “Tweet This” on your site or on WordPress.org. Are you updating it, have you stopped supporting it, or is it temporarily lost in the ether?
Regards, Pete Weldon
Your plugin disappeared off of wordpress.org!
Does it still work?
http:// wordpress. org/extend/plugins/tweet-this/
Any plans for Google+ button? I really like your style (the slim, silver one) for the services buttons!
Pingback: Integra Twitter en WordPress: plugins, widgets, herramientas | CreativaSfera
Pingback: 10 Awesome Ways to Integrate Twitter With Your Website « batusy
Love this plugin but i am looking to adapt it so that i can send posts in different categories to different accounts.
I may have two twitter accounts one for english and one for french.
I would like to send the posts in the english category to my english twitter account.
And the posts in my french category to my french twitter account.
Could you let me know where is best to start editing the code just thought i would ask for a heads up before i dive in.
Thanks great work;)
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Also tried installing the newest update. Response: HTTP 401. Any suggestions on how to make it work?
(also loving your portfolio btw, you’re a great photographer!)
A friend liked this post to me, great plugin and nice writing. Have found that your blog stores a lot of informative, useful posts, so I intend to stick around here for a while. Thanks for a great site!
Pingback: Twitter Tools, Plugins, Widget untuk Wordpress Blog | mrifai.com
When will the new release come?
V 1.8.3
Am I alone with still getting ‘Tweet failed: Twitter returned HTTP 401.’ errors?
Read/Write setting is in place at Twitter.
Finally got it working.
It used ‘Recreate my acces token’ at Twitter a couple of times and then it suddenly had access level ‘Read and write’ and it worked.
So OAuth setting and Access token should be ‘Read and Write’.
Will download it for sure thank you for the tip
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For the 401 error, make sure the Twitter Access Level on OAuth Settings is set to Read & Write, default is Read-only and is the reason you get the 401.
my access token should be read & write too.
‘my access token should be read & write too.’
That’s at different place then with the settings->Application Type? Here it is only possible to set access, or am I mistaking?
Trying to use Tweet This on my WordPress blog. Getting a 401 error when “Test Twitter OAuth” returns “Authentication succeeded, please save.” ??
Pingback: Techomag » 10 Wordpress Plugins for Twitter : The best of All
I’ve also installed it like lindamoran57 but the 401 error is there…
Suggestions ???
I installed the 1.8.3 update, but am still getting the 401 oauth error. What could I be doing wrong? LM
Pingback: 10 Best Twitter Tools, Plugins, Widgets for WordPress Blogs « ScotOliver
I have always problem with the “140 character rule” on Twitter.
Because of my long URL it will never fit but thanks to this amazing plugin it works like a charm
Thank you so much !!
Dear Sir,
We have developed a new photo plugin that will show latest interior designs on your blog.
The new designs will definitely interest your users and bring repeat traffic to your blog. Please check it out at
Do you have any intention to fix reported bugs, or should I rather consider this software project dead?
401 errors on automatic tweets but OAuth test return succeeded.
Pingback: 205 aplicaciones útiles para Twitter | Comunicación Digital
I have been using an app called AutoTweeterPro for sometime. It’s a small & very easy-to-use software, which tweets from my computer. I am using unlimited trial version,which is as good as free. Hope you will find this tip useful –http://bit.ly/autotweeterPro1
Pingback: Vague Dream » Best Twitter Plugins for WordPress
I am having a problem getting tweet this to work with automatic tweets. I have successfully set up the automatic tweeting and Test Twitter OAuth reports that everything has been successfully configured.
But when I try to publish a post I get the foolowing error in the Tweet this box in wordpress – Tweet failed. Twitter returned HTTP 401. Check your OAuth settings and re-save this post to try again.
I am using WordPress 3.2.1 with a Headway theme.
Can you shed any light on what the issue might be?
Canada>Canada hot underage boys :-)))
Hi, I want to recommend your plugin to my clients, but I’m not able to make it work. I have set it up and the test oath returns successfully. Then when I try to write a tweet, or auto tweet a post, I keep getting the HTTP 401 error. I created another app, and reset the keys, secrets, etc. and am still having the same problem.
Please help!
Quick question that may be related to one of the other questions in this thread. Flickr integrates nicely with wordpress so you can published a photo to a blog directly through Flickr. One thing it doesn’t do it provide a means to set the category, so I just have my default category as “Photography” and it gets applied to all Flickr posts. When I do this, however, Tweet This doesn’t seem to be able to pick up the category so when I used [CATEGORY] in an automatic tweet, it just shows up blank. However, if I use the WP interface to make a new post and don’t select a category, it still assigns Photography and tweets just fine. Do you think this could be a simple issue of when Tweet This tries to grab the category? Thanks!
Everything works but the OAuth which fails on test:
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘./wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /usr/home/bimmers/public_html/coincident/wordpress/index.php on line 19
I run WP is a subdirectory and is installed per WordPress.org config. index.php has:
Love this plugin and use it on several blogs and sites. Is there any chance of adding an option to insert tags from a post as hashtags like ‘wp to twitter’ does. Or am i justmissing the option???
It would be great… Cheers
How can I force Tweet This to always use my URL shortener regardless of the message length?
And is there any chance to make TweetThis work properly with WordPress whose time zone is set to anything else than UTC?
Right now TweetThis interface displays UTC time and does not let me enter lower value, but when I schedule a tweet it gets posted based on the local time, so I have no way to delay a tweet by any period smaller than 8 hours.
Hi, im having a problem with tweet this.. Ive used it on other sites and fine..
So ive got a new site, installed latest version, registered the app on twitter for automatic tweeting..
now this is where it started to go wrong..
Twitter has changed their app registering page a bit..
anyway, played about and entered all the details into tweet this.
clicked test oauth, all seems ok, said suceeded..
except, no automatic tweeting, and when i go to write tweet and send it, it comes back with error 401 (oauth problems)?..
how can this be when test oauth says all ok?..
Checked every secret and key, all exact.. is this a problem with the new twitter app interface?.
Still got this problem, i think its the new twitter app interface thats the problem, on another plugin, i get application cant post error, which im guessing what the problem with tweet this is too.
In the new interface i’ve set the app to read and write, but it doesnt seem to be doing it…
Could someone please help me out with tweetthis and the new twitter interface?
Same problem for me.
When I try to post a new entry on my blog, I get “Error 401….check OAth settings etc…”.
But if I test the plugin from the options page, it says it’s all fine!
Same problem here!
I’m assuming there is no longer any support on this plugin? I’m getting the 401 error also…
Also getting an error…
“Tweet failed. Twitter returned HTTP 404. Check your OAuth settings and re-save this post to try again.”
Is this plugin dead? Can anyone recommend a similar one? I use it for posting to twitter automatically when I make a new blog post.