8×10: Implicity


Buy an 8*10 copy, in a cherry wooden frame as pictured above, for $49.95 (USA only). Free shipping. I only have 1 in stock, so if you buy more than that, it will take me a week to get a new print back from the lab, before I can mail it to you. After adding, go to your shopping cart. [quickshop:8*10 Implicity (framed):price:49.95:shipping:0:shipping2:0:end]

Photo: Implicity

Implicity — a beautiful yellow rose

Darkness surrounds a fallen yellow rose. I darkened and desaturated the rose’s surroundings to make it stand out.
[quickshop:4*6 Implicity (lustre):price:0.95:shipping:0.45:shipping2:0.45:end]

Buy a 4*6 copy for $0.95 (USA only). Lustre finish. After adding, go to your shopping cart.

Canon Rebel XTi, EFS 18-55mm, 1/15, F5.6, 55mm, ISO100, 2007-10-10T17:41:04-04, 2007-10-10_21h41m04

Download the high-res JPEG or download the source image.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Please credit me as “Photo by Richard Thripp” or something similar.