Just got this check from Google for $112.23. I wasn’t sure if this Google ad program was real till now; perhaps they’d just take my money and ban me when I reached the $100 threshold?
I started this blog way back at the end of last year, just for my photography. I didn’t do much for a long time, often just spending lots of time fiddling with the layout and code, but in the past two months I’ve made lots of progress. I feel I can do a lot of good here, if not for others, for my own mind.
While DaytonaState.org makes the most, the balance is switching to this blog. I think it’s because I’m writing in-depth, thought-provoking articles like Digital Sharecropping, Personal Development for Photographers, and Transcending Limiting Beliefs. Not lists or tables or mash-ups or charts. No fluff. Writing that takes will work and has a real purpose. I didn’t really start doing this till two months ago, when I added personal development as my main subject alongside photography.
While $112.23 is no more than pennies an hour for all the work I’ve put in here, it’s much better than any job because I would do this for free. Most people can’t say that about their jobs.
Even though I made far more as a criminal, it’s much better to profit as an asset rather than a leech. Friends have been quick in offering to click ads for me or get others to do the same, but I’ll have none of it.
My hosting bill is paid up till 2009 March, and it has totaled $70. I also registered Thripp.com till 2018, costing $73, and thripp.net/org/us/biz/info are mine. I’m in this for the long haul. Expenses don’t really count, because I’d be paying them either way.
This month has been the best yet; I’ve taken in $61; half of what I made in the eight months before combined. Curiously days have bounced between $0 and $4 rather than being constant like last month, but it doesn’t matter.
Some people hate ads. If I was one of them, I would’ve made nothing. If this is a business, I’m lucky because most businesses lose a lot of money to start.
You can’t expect to make money if you don’t even try. Blogs are much like newspapers, which pay their printing bills and more with advertising. Now, the bills are time, effort, and less importantly, web hosting. And the message is free, rather than being a token fee of thirty-five or fifty cents.
However, if you give away the message and turn your back on advertising and turn down donations (read: don’t ask for), you can’t turn your passion into anything more than a hobby.
Unrelated: the URL for this post has 666 in it because that’s the post ID. It’s just a counter. I think it’s cool to have it at the end of URLs. I’ve actually made only 530 posts and pages, but the other numbers have been lost to test posts and drafts. Think of it just as an arbitrary number to uniquely identify each of my articles.
Also: this post is evil.
is there a better service than google adsense?

need to pay with paypal.
AdBrite is pretty good, but AdSense is definitely the best.
Hi Richard,
I found your blog through a Google search. I can identify with your good feelings about AdSense. I recently created a website for my photography hobby using a great Canadian hosting company (even though I am located in Southern California). It has been a lot of fun and a learning experience. The Google income (though small) is a nice bonus. And it should increase as the traffic numbers continue to climb – something this Canadian company is famous for. Best of luck to you and your blog.
Steve Minkler
Hey, that’s great! Glad to see you’re getting your art out there too, and hopefully making some money on the side.
I host this site through SYN Hosting, also in Canada, even though I’m in Florida. They’re quite good and I’ve had almost no trouble with them, unlike with my previous host (Netfirms) where my site would regularly disappear, to my dismay.
Keep up the great work, and, most importantly, keep writing about photography and the photos you post. That drives search traffic and also is interesting to readers. Title every photo or collection of photos.